So...the trip to Seattle is in 3 days!
So excited!
I must admit though,that I was a bit worried.
The plane and hotel and excursions are all paid for,
but the food and misc was coming out of this weeks pay.
As it has been raining for months in Iowa,
where Terry is delivering windmill blades,
we have not had a few paychecks.
Part of the life.
Ive learned to prepay when we have it!
After talking with hubby last week, I was a little....
you know. You have all been there.
However, I have been trying to rely on God for EVERYTHING.
Worries kept creeping in,
and I kept telling myself that God had it under control.
Over and over again.
Finally, I stopped worrying.
Yesterday Terry calls and says that there will be no paycheck this week.
But we got a detention pay, that he was not expecting.
Because it was from a job in July that he had forgotten about.
God didn't forget.
He knew we would need that money this week.
What a wonderful God!
I love that He is so crazy in love with me!
I will hope that the next time worry creeps in,
I will remember that He has it under control,
and always has!
I don't mind being Pollyanna!
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