Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh. Come on.

You've all seen them.
You've all run from them.
You know what I'm talking about.
The hand lotion/product sample sales people at the mall.
I know, when you see them you avert your eyes,
pretend to be deep in conversation with anyone walking near you,
dig around in your purse or simply turn around and walk the other way.
But you know when you are in trouble.
You make eye contact with him or her.
You may even smile, unknowingly.
Then you are trapped.
These determined young people,
most of the time from a distant country,
leap out in front of you, holding a sample of lotion,
and ask the dreaded question:
"may I ...."
But you have already said "no thank you" and quickened your step.
But this is not the end.
"May I ask you a question?"
And if you hesitate at are done for.

Today, that happened to me and my daughter.
For some reason, I was friendly.
We stopped.
But, before he went into his schpeel he made the ultimate mistake.
"Are you friends? Sisters?"

Oh. Come on!

They must be taught EVERY trick in the book.
Now, Hilary colors my hair and hides all the grey,
but there is NO WAY I look like Veronica's sister!
I laughed and walked away!

If I ever need a little boost,
or am feeling a bit old and run down,
I know where to go!

1 comment:

Very Sleepy Girl said...


So true - I make certain to just keep on walking!