DISCLAIMER: This may not be appropriate for the fellas!
I had my second mammogram yesterday in two months.
I saw the shadow they were investigating.
They needed to take more views to see the edges clearly.
They needed to use the ultra sound, because it wasn't clear.
I prayed not to have this now.
I'm not even over my foot problems yet.
It is scary.
My grandmother had a mastectomy.
It is amazing how important your breasts are to you as a woman.
Now, I know that they are not the only thing.
I have my spirit, character, sense of humor, maternal instincts, etc.
But my whole life I have been pretty attached to these things.
As a girl, these are what the fellas notice. And we women know it.
As a pregnant woman, these are the first parts to noticeably change.
They provided nourishment for both my girls.
Honestly, nursing was the best part of raising my daughters.
I remember the wee hours of the morning, looking down at my girl,
Her little hands patting my breast and when she noticed me,
smiled so much that she lost her grip on my nipple.
I will cherish that memory until I die!
My right breast after nursing, became a lot larger than my left.
Always a running joke with Terry.
NEW york!
As I have gained weight, the girls have gotten larger.
They are always the first part to lose the weight too.
I am looking forward to this.
It is always nice to let the girls loose
after a long day of wearing the over the shoulder boulder holder!
And I really hate underwires,
but they provide the most support...
in form and function.
After my grandmother had her mastectomy,
I remember a story my mom told me.
My grandma is a very quiet, personal woman.
Very strong and long suffering.
After she was home from the hospital, my grandfather came to her
as she was scared.
He knelt down and kissed the spot where her left breast once was.
I will always love him for that!
Now she jokes about her one boob bra.
Always leaves one behind in the cup to remember where to put the other!
The ultra sound tech came into the room and after 5 minutes of searching,
she went to get the doctor.
Neither one of them could find anything abnormal in my breast.
They said it was very close to the muscle and it would be very
technically difficult for a surgeon to explore there.
I told them that it had disappeared.
The doctor looked at me and said "fromt he mammogram room?"
I answered, "Yes. I believe!"
She began singing I believe, I believe!
We decided to test again in 6 months.
I am going on the miracle that God took it away.
I am not stupid though.
I have thrown out every unhealthy item in my kitchen.
I am starting a Mediterranean diet
and will be very diligent the next 6 months forward.
I know that God is working in my life by all of the responses I have gotten.
People who don't usually pray, have prayed for me.
People not knowing what was going on were thinking and praying for me.
My father asked for prayer for me with his bible study leader.
He prayed for the first time over the phone.
Someone who doesn't value prayers or believes that God has bigger things
on His plate to bother with them, have asked me for prayer!
Whatever my witness can be, I want it!
Use me God!
Command me and I will step out of the boat and walk with you!
I am blessed!
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