Yummy concoction!
Much better than the espresso martini....
as cream was added to the cappuccino one!
You all know how I like my breve!
Even though it was $10.
Glad V paid for mine and both of hers!
I enjoyed seeing the owner dancing at the checkout
to some swinging oldies music.
Most assuredly, because lots of $10+ drink are sold
among other things.
But I have seen him worried and anxious and stressed too.
This is a nice change.
It could be that V is back with a vengeance!
Such a hard worker!
Baptism at LSC was touching.
Noticed a few folks that I was delightfully surprised to see
being baptised today.
Reading a delightful book:
The Chicken Chronicles by Mary Walker.
Yes, the author of the Color Purple.
Someday I will have a relationship
with my own family of chickens.
*Side note...the book took a funky new agey turn...
having trouble being motivated to finish it.
I was distracted by a chipmunk sitting on the arm
of my garden bench.

I have never noticed one there so contentedly chirping.
Noticed a hummingbird on the hummingbird bush....
how could it resist the delicious grape scent?
After a few more chapters,
I was warned by a blue jay.
Warned of what I did not know,
until I glanced above me.
If I had stretched my arm to it's fullest reached,
I could have grazed the belly feathers
of the hawk as it flew over me, and over the garage.

Time to come in and spin a bit more wool.
Trying to continue learning the core wrapping.

I just finished spinning some Coopworth wool
into sock yarn!

I am excited to see what it looks like knitted up.
In the process of knitting some socks
made with store bought (I KNOW, I KNOW)yarn.
I have added a panel of ribbing
fit my funky shaped feet.

I really think this is a good thing.
I also really like the heel and gusset pattern I found.
Seriously the worst part of a sock.
So Die Hard..latest one, is on the boob tube.
Makes me remember Moonlighting!
If you are too young to remember Bruce and Cybil,
check it out. I know they are at the library.
Taming of the Shrew....best episode ever!
Nighty night all.
I am truly blessed and am noticing blessings all around.