As I was studying this morning,
as so often happens,
I was amazed at the new thing I learned.
Growing up Catholic,
although a wonderful childhood
filled with tradition and learning,
I never really was taught to open the Bible
to learn for my self.
So when I read and was explained
the account of Elijah in 1Kings 19,
I GOT it!
Loving Chuck Swindoll, Embraced by the Spirit, by the way!
Elijah just defeated the prophets of Baal.
Jezebel was pissed off by this, and threatened his life.
Like most of us.....Elijah ran to the caves.
He felt defeated and alone.
Now, I for one, at many times,
have felt such a defeating.
No, I never battled other gods and won.
But, I have battled and won, but seemed like I lost.
My mouth seems to get in the way alot of the time.
Hurting feelings, or anger, or disappointment.
But sometimes my words or actions are heeded.
Thanking God here, because I am a bumbling idiot
when it comes to speaking!
I nearly failed my speech class in college....
how to make bread for goodness sake!
However, the feelings of defeat are real.
I can testify to YEARS of feeling this way!
And also only of mere moments.
One of the greatest lessons from this passage was that
God asked Elijah
"What are you doing here?" (1King 19:9)
Go stand on the mountain~!
God did not appear in the storm, nor earthquake.
He came in the still small voice (a gentle rustling)
Then Elijah walked toward the Lord instead of away from Him.
I have been "off" for a few weeks.
Too many moving parts and problems,
and I have not been able to spend ANY time with the Lord.
I felt wayward.
Although I feel tremendously blessed by
family, friends, situations and life,
I was disconnected.
After being still,
I could see the troubles around me.
All it took was a bit of quiet time with the Lord.
When I realize I have put life in front of God,
I try to seek out a quiet place.
My preference is to get out in the woods, or near water
or roam in a field where it is just me, nature and God.
I see and hear Him in these places most often.
I suppose that is one reason I enjoy the garden so much.

Yes, there will be troubles ahead
if I follow His direction and path.
But there will also be the confidence that I can bear up under
whatever may come with the Lord in front and beside me.
I pray this for each and every one of you today!
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