That's what my grand babies call me!
I'm really the step grandma.
Brittany wasn't sure what to call me
when she came to visit.
I told her to just make up something.
She looked around the kitchen,
and saw a banana.
It's been my name ever since!
I love it!
I love shopping for and sending them
books, clothes, toys etc.
Last week, I sent a big box full of the above.
Hilary made the comment that I never
bought them cute clothes when they were young.
She reminded me that I sewed fabric onto Tshirts
for summer dresses.
I thought they were adorable!
I enjoyed sewing back then.
And we were dirt poor.
That's what is so fun about being a Banana!\
We now have a bit of disposable income that
we can spoil loved ones with!
Back to the box:
I sent it out through the Post office a week ago.
Said it would be delivered by Sat.
Kids were out of town over the weekend
and there was no box or note that is was delivered.
Well, again, it has been a week!
I, being the neat freak I am.....
stop laughing family.....
cleaned out my purse and threw out the tracking number.
I am so hoping that because Beeville TX is a tiny town
it is just taking a bit longer to deliver than promised.
I did however find a swordfish finally.
Beau the 4 year old, is into them now.
Found it on line and it was shipped.
And delivered!
Got a really cute text from Bridgette last night
along with the following pic:

"somebody got a new fish in the mail today and was super stoked!!!
He knew immediately what it was and got so excited, ran into his room and got his shark to see which was bigger lol.
I told him before he opened it, it was like you read his mind and he was shocked. Very funny. 100% satisfied!!! You are the best Banana."
How I love my daughter in law.
Couldn't ask for a better one.
I am really hoping the box shows up.
Told Brittany not to be disappointed.
Looks like Banana will be doing some more shopping!
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