From the first timer's point of view,
to this hot and exciting town,
I have a few notes on my trip:
Definitely go with the flight and hotel package.
Three nights and round trip ticket was $356
All the books say there are cocktail waitresses everywhere.
One book actually said they would bring you a drink
just as you were finishing one.
The trick was to tip $5 first then $1 each time after.
I am not a drinker at all!
I struggled for days trying to decide which beverages I would try.
I found many Blue Curacao recipes, I love Mai Tais,
and Daiquiris, and Margaritas.
However......the entire time we were in Vegas,
not one waitress brought us a drink.
Literally we could not even find,
let alone get the attention of a server.
V was lucky one time and ordered a Vodka Tonic,
but by the time she finally arrived with the drink,
it was so watered down, it was worth only $1.
She also had an orange juice, again after a long wait.
One night she bought a glass of wine at the bar
and paid $15 for it.
So my advise is to carry water or soda with you at all times.
We both were looking forward to the wonderful meals we would eat.
In fact, I went on a Slimfast diet for the week before our vacation.
I lost 7 pounds.
I lost another 2 pounds in Vegas.
Most likely the reason is all the walking we did,
and we only ate breakfast as a rule.
The one buffet we went to,
had wonderful crab legs,
but we were so tired, we didn't really enjoy the other bits.
We just didn't seem to get hungry.
Whether it be the time difference,
or the exercise, our culinary efforts were not realized.
Don't believe it:
You will NOT win anything at the slot machines.
Now I, unlike my podiatrist,
do not have $400, 500, 600 to lose gambling.
It was a struggle for me to bet $.40 a time.
The most luck I had, was playing my last penny
and one line on the slots.
I won a bonus every time that happened!
Which in turn kept me playing a few more lines!
I really enjoyed the Star Trek and Star Wars games.
The chairs were wired with sound and vibrations!
I was lucky on these, but not in the end.
I won $56 on the Sea Monkey game,
and enjoyed the Lobster Mania.
V won some money back on it.
We did not live on Nevada time.
It was nice waking up at 6:30am their time
9:30 Indiana.
All the restaurants and casinos were pretty empty.
The only time we had to be anywhere was at the airport,
and for the Cirque de Sole performance.
We did learn
that to take a nap about 5pm is a good idea.
That way, we were able to go back out on the town
after a long sight seeing day.
After 8pm the streets and casinos are packed!
Literally packed!
We didn't try any clubs,
but I would assume they are crowded as well.
My favorite part of all,
was the fountain at Bellagio.
It's the one at the end of Ocean's Eleven...
When I go back, I will take a chair and book,
plant myself on the sidewalk, under a palm tree,
and watch every water performance
from noon until midnight!
I will also try to see every Cirque De Sole act.
V and I watched with mouths wide open through the whole act.
Totally amazing what people can do......
still in awe!
We saw the Body exhibit! Complete with audio tour.
It was so amazing!
Yes, I looked for the tendons cut in my toes,
and the muscles that don't work well in my feet anymore.
We also looked at the gall bladder since J had his out recently.
The blood vessels are so tiny!
Truly only God could make something so intricate and amazing!
No accidents here folks!
All in all, we loved it!
We will travel again soon,
and hope to go to Vegas again with the family!
SO much to see and share!
Many, many more stories but I think I will share those later.
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