As the sun quietly begins its descent
on this unusually mild summer/fall day,
I sit watching all around me.
Content with the Marie Callander meal,
I just relax.
I wonder how the nuthatch that is feasting on peanuts,
keeps is pure white underbelly so clean.
I watch as the mourning doves
scatter safflower seeds from the feeders.
The butterflies are intoxicated
from the grape smells coming from the butterfly bushes
that are in full bloom.
As I was weeding this afternoon,
I disturbed a heavy bee at his work in these same bushes.
Thankfully he was too distracted
by the overpowering fruity smell.
In the oriole dishes, where I places new grape jelly,
bees, wasps and ants have begun to hover around and drink their fill.
Why have orioles chosen to nibble on my not quite ripe tomatoes?
I hear the buzz of a fly as he sips
from the last drops of wine in my glass.
I am too feeling a slight airiness from this sweet drink.
I get a tiny glimpse of a waving spiderweb on the shepherds hook.
When the sun's light strikes just right,
I am able to see an invisible spider throw out his evening web,
as a fly fisherman casts his line into the morning river.
Luck and skill are required for any catch from either.
The Lord provides to all,
but especially to those of us who are hurting or troubled.
He hates to see our suffering.
His answer is not always to heal,
He only wants us to know that He is right next to us
and shouldering the brunt.
I am grateful for all of God's blessings this evening.
Blessed that I can notice His small miracles
and thank Him for them.
Time to come into the sanctuary of home,
because I do not want to be
the evening meal for the mosquitoes.
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