I grew up with the saying
Red sky at night, sailors' delight
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.
My family are not sailors.
As far as I know the only ones to even be on a ship,
were my great aunts and my father's mother,
when they took a cruise to Hawaii.
However, I constantly take notice of the sky.
I am a wanna be weather girl.
I have a friend who used to live in Wyoming.
She has different saying for the weather watch.
Something like....if the deer are feeding, it means snow.
This morning, as I was sitting at my dining room table,
I glanced up and saw the beautiful shocking pink and blue sky.
I had to run for my camera.
Wow! Was it nippy outside as I stole a few pictures.
It never is as beautiful in a photo, at least my photo,
as it is seeing the view with my own eyes.
As I was studying the fish and loaves story, I was reminded of a few things.
I need to think in "faith" mode more often than I do.
I need to be more open to what Christ can do through me.
It is never what I can do.
I am such a pitiful slug when I am close to Him.
I am so lucky that He loves me so, and gives me opportunities to
let Him shine through my little attempts
that become HUGE when He is involved!
I need to think BIGGER!
Christ can perform astounding things when I bring Him all I have.
When I bring Him EVERYTHING,
He multiplies it beyond my wildest imagination.
But if I only surrender some of my lot,
it can dwindle to virtually nothing.
It is sad how often I only allow part of what I have to be used.
I need to remember to give it ALL to Him, all the time!
Thanks for the beautiful sunrise this morning God.
And thank you for the comforts
to get through whatever wintry weather is coming.
Lots of hat knitting to be done this weekend I feel.
I am blessed
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