Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Study of Contrasts

I am studying Beth Moore's Jesus
90 days with the one and only.

I was getting a bit frustrated with some of the days,
as I was expecting awesome, life changing lessons and
insight into my Lord!
Then I took myself out of the study and LOOKED at what the lesson was.

Mark 1:29-34
Simon's mother in law is sick and he told Jesus about her.
Jesus went to her and bent over her, took her hand,
lifted her up and healed her.

Yup, I've read this one before too.
Jesus didn't just think it and she was healed.
He bent over her, touched her, one on one with her.

Beth relates this moment as a mother whose child is sick.

We moms bend close, face to face, look them in their fevered eyes,
feel their hurt, feel the heat of their little bodies.
I still put my lips to my 20 something daughters when they are ill.

This brought me closer to the God who loves me.
Knowing that He bends close in times of pain, hurt, fear,
as well as joy and excitement.
He is here with me!
On a very personal level.
Not from the Heavens.

The day before's lesson was on satan.
Ezekiel 28:11-17, Luke 4:31-37

The description of satan is one I am not familiar with,
but fits him perfectly.
You were the seal of perfection
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Every precious stone was your covering
Sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx and jasper.
Sapphire, turquoise and emerald.
All in settings of engraved gold.
Anointed cherub who covers
until iniquity was found in you.
Therefore I cast you as a profanity.

The contrast between the humble, loving Jesus, who cares
and the Self loving, shiny, seems to have everything we want, satan
overwhelmed me.

This is giving me something to ponder today.
A friend who inspires me, also posted a challenge on facebook today.

Stand up and fight! Do something kind for someone you don't like. Forgive someone for something that you have been holding a grudge for, and let them know you forgave them. Be generous with someone that you don't trust. Extend the hand of friendship to someone that has few friends. Love someone that no one else does. You have been challenged :)

Thank you Bruce for reminding me of what Jesus would and does do!

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