It's ok to want to have mom take care of you sometimes.
Especially when pain is involved.
Don't be afraid of colors.
One bright color will "pop" any outfit.
Don't wear black and brown together.
Especially one color shoe, another color outfit.
Naps are amazing!
Working hard only has so many rewards.
Doing what you love is priceless, no matter how many hours you put in.
Empty nest is a needed difficulty.
Time alone is precious.
Getting a surprise invitation for drinks or dinner mean more
when spaced out.
Home is a good place. Make wherever you are home.
Thanksgiving meal is best when everyone pitches in.
Texting good night makes a mom sleep better. Even at 3am.
Texting good morning,
even if that is the only communication that day,
makes the day a little brighter.
Keep your mouth shut until you are asked for your opinion.
Leave when you feel like it is time to leave.
Staying longer only brings up bad conversations.
Friends and boyfriends are important...even if I don't like them.
Again...keep your mouth shut!
And try to control facial expressions.
Margaritas are fun!
Being on your own for a bit rejuvinates you.
Being excited about a new interest opens so many windows on your
imagination, and energy and soul!
One thing I am hoping to learn is how to use my nano.
The only songs I was able to download were their songs.
Not all of their songs I enjoy!
Although I must admit that I haven't listened to all 276 of them yet.
Discovering a new relationship as adults is like making a new friend.
It's not all about what I say anymore,
but agreeing on shared interests, and acknowledging dislikes
takes time and effort.
Well worth every moment.
Our values are the same, even if we go about them differently.
My love for them has changed as my role has changed in their lives.
Each kind has value and memories.
I am enjoying now and not looking back...too often.
Looking forward to the fazes as they come.
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