Do you think the young woman where I get my Chinese take out
recognises me like I recognise her?
She speaks barley any English, but I feel like her friend.
I understand fortunes like:
All your dreams will come true
Enjoy your youth and old age will take care of itself
You are well loved by many
The year of Melissa
but honestly....
Sell your ideas they are totally acceptable.
Why is it that it takes only a listening ear
and a kind word to change your whole outlook on your troubles?
And why don't more people talk to their pastors?
Why does the running team
1. Run on the coldest days of the year
2. Wear those teeny tiny thin pants
that can't possibly keep you warm
3. If someone trips, will the whole herd stop
and begin again when their mate is up,
or do they hold to only the strongest survives?
Why don't they make moon boots that have flashing lights
all around the front of the boot for adults?
I would really like a pair.
Why is stuff that is supposed to be good for you,
so darned expensive?
And why do we seem to need it all?
I snow blew today.
Haven't done it for quite a long time.
Daddy loves to snow blow.
However, everyone seems to be sick and tired of the snow
these days and no one has been shoveling this past storm away.
I got the blower out of the garage just when Daddy pulled up.
"Which do you want? blowing or pulling snow off of the roof?"
He chose the roof rake.
I started out with the sidewalk,
then did the neighbor's walk.
She is old and it hasn't been done yet this winter.
As I turned back to my house,
I was having fun.
Much better than an hour on the treadmill.
So I just kept going.
Passed my house and went to the end of the block.
Crossed the street and came back.
Guess I'm lucky I didn't run out of gas.
I felt really energized after my shower.
Washed the dishes and fed the birds.
Shoveled a path for Chuck to get to the side fence.
It's been all winter since he has been able to
bark at the neighbor's dogs.
Why does exercising make you feel like doing more.
Especially since I didn't get any sleep last night?
I remember watching the shuttle Challenger crash 25 years ago.
So very tragic.
Loved President Reagan's words of them at the time.
Egypt is going through some rough times I heard an hour ago.
Common folks wanting change.
Jobs and new Government.
Not anything to do with the peace treaty with Israel.
I'll be thinking of them tonight.
Does anyone reading this know anyone in Egypt?
Is God getting tired of all this crap?
I sure am.
Can't even by cold meds without signing over your first born.
Sorry V.
I couldn't take this runny nose any longer!
Is there any interest in women to help others
going through troubles that we have experience in?
Would there be any interest in these troubled women
to ask and listen to experience?
How would that work as a group effort?
How would you get the word out?
Terry is in Canada this weekend.
I pray he doesn't hit any moose.
He doesn't have his moose guard yet.
Funny braces for a semi.
Can't hurt those beasts, but they can hurt the truck.
Enjoy your weekend.
Get to church if you can.
The Lord is working in all seemingly insignificant lives.
We just have to be on the lookout for where to join in.
I am blessed.