This morning I woke to sticky eyes.
I either slept too long or not long enough.
It had rained and warmed a bit overnight,
which made everything mushy.
I am not much for mushy.
After a bowl of cereal, I decided that today was a day for reading.
V asked for a caramel Macchiato
and offered me a Barnes and Noble gift card in return.
As I was out of cream...and still am...
I took her up on that!
I had recently received the latest chapters from a friend
who is writing a book, and I had not gotten an opportunity
to read it yet.
I packed up the pages, my reading glasses...
yes I have bifocals, but need to get to the eye doc again soon.
I am seeing the world in fuzzy hues again...
and headed into the slush.
I had to sip V's coffee and glad I did.
After getting to BN, Hil texted me and appeared
during a break at the salon,
then left just as quickly because she got a walk in.
Hugs in the early day are so nice no matter the reason.
I was overwhelmed by the color of all of the books.
Book stores are one of my pleasures.
SO much possibility in the millions of pages.
You just have to narrow your search for the day.
Will is be art, or fiber?
Cooking or self improvement?
A new study or froo froo magazines?
Whatever I chose, my mood was shooting up!
I ordered my breve...a new favorite...simple and bold!
Settled by the window and caught up on the storyline.
Oh just you wait, fellow bloggers until this book is published!
My high school friend has so much talent!
I hope to visit with her and another friend from school this summer.
Online connection has been so good for me.
We can express our deepest thoughts and dreams without real life intruding.
So, I am home again full of inspiration...and caffeine.
I have been working on making more yarn to sell this spring,
and with Hil and Joe's help think it is going very well.
Now for the pricing.
Do I really want to charge $7 and ounce?
One skein $28?
I must learn to value my endeavors!
I am blessed,
and pray that your day is also!
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