I am walking way up in the mountains today!
If you have been a friend of mine for any length of time,
you will have received, or will receive a SARK book.
Of any authors I have read,
Susan is one of the one who can put my life in perspective,
every time!
Today, I slept until 9am,
ate a bowl of corn pops
(it's been one of those weeks)
and went back to bed until noon.
I had some library books to return,
so off I went to the South Bend Library downtown.
I love libraries!
I worked at this library as a shelver a few years ago.
When my kids were little, the library was where we spent alot of time.
We never came home without at least 20 books.
Today, I came home with five.
A fiction book by Mary Alice Monroe,
the author of a book on one of my recent blogs,
(I love the Way she writes and hope to enjoy this book too)
a knitting book, a mystery by Janet Evaovich...
(one in between her famous series
now being made into a move with Kathrine Heigel.)
I also found a knitting mystery...I love mysteries.
Then, as I was getting ready to check out,
I noticed a new book by SARK.
She hasn't written a new one in a while.
I spent the next two hours at South Bend Chocolate
absorbing this book...cover to cover.
I gave the book to V, who was working with Emery on their blog,
or I would give the title!
(found a picture....Glad no matter what)
It was all about being glad in the in between places in your life.
Accepting the bad, unhappy feelings in your life,
transforming them and moving forward.
She writes with such personal emotions of her mother's death,
and shares some really funny situations.
One humorous chapter was when she had a three hour delay at the airport.
After being frustrated for a few moments,
she took her velvet cape, flung it over her luggage and made a tent.
She crawled under it with a bag of Cheetos
and was very happy while she waited.
Don't you just wish you could do that?!
The folks in SBC probably wondered about me as I giggled and grinned
while drinking my two breves.
I went to Krogers for some groceries and I again was amused at myself.
I smiled at everyone, as I floated through the isles.
I picked up devils food cake with deep dark chocolate frosting
and a bottle of my new favorite wine....
deliciously sweet moscato from Barefoot.
Even the name is succulent...from one of SARK's books!
So I will make a comfy dinner and have wine and brie cheese on french bread.
I may make the cake, but may not.
The kids will come for a game of Quiddler,
or I will begin a book,
or possibly finish my weaving.
I love days like today.
I am blessed.
Even more so today!
We must've arrived at Chocolate just after you left!
Sounds like a good day!
Why is she called SARK?? I've never heard of her before.
Hey Jennifer...Did you have a piece of decadent chocolate cake? I will always crave that after sharing one with you!
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)
Not this time (although I wanted it!).
Thanks for the explanation!
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