My drum carder finally arrived.
With much ado on facebook about what a drum carder actually does,
I think my hubby did a good job at explaining it.
Yes, my faithful followers know by now
that I am a step off from the rest of the world.
Reading and talking to me, you will learn many new things.
Vocabulary and sights the average person does not comprehend.
Flow with it!
Having said that, I find myself a bit intimidated by this monster!
It is new.
I must learn how to use it,
and I must practice alot!
I have always been very frugal with my wool stock
because I have limited supplies.
It is a lot of hard work washing and preparing a raw fleece.
I enjoy it, but time consuming to say the least!
I also love dying the wool.
My main concern is that to make a sweater, it takes at least 700-1500 yards of wool.
That's about 2-4 pounds. Most sheep carry about 3 pounds each when sheared.
So, after all this business of making desserts for a friend's wedding tomorrow,
I hope I will have some time to learn and play next week.
Choosing the perfect colors and learning how to blend them to look their best!
Hilary is my color helper.
I hope she has some free time next week!
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