I am at rest today!
It just began to rain after what seems a LONG HOT Summer spell.
It has only been a few weeks since we had horrible storms, tho.
Rain and water are so refreshing.
I have three photos hanging above my bed, taken when Terry and I went to Vermont.
Bubbling over and around rocks.
I was just on the porch studying, and I heard the thunder rolling in.
The storms were supposed to come in last night.
I am thankful that the Lord brought them this morning.
I waited to come inside until absolutely necessary.
The garden is beautiful!
The lawn needs to be mowed, and I really need to weed.
But the flowers are generous this year.
The birds are overflowing and entertaining.
The mosquitoes keep me in doors,
however, when I venture out in times of thirst,
I am rewarded with a bubble of protection.
I am truly blessed!
I am praying now for a few friends in trouble.
I am fasting for you today!
I am praying for confidence, forgiveness, strength, discipline and understanding for you.
God's rewards are so good.
Even our greatest human desires do not compare to His blessings for our lives.
Be patient. Be diligent. Seek His face first.
He will reward you beyond all of your wildest dreams.
Loving you today in the refreshing waters!
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