What a glorious day today has been.
I woke early after a good night's sleep,
Texted a friend to go with me to breakfast.
We ended up at Perkins.
And stayed for 2 1/2 hours.
Growing friendships are such a blessing!
Sharing stories and pasts,
looking forward to the future,
being inspired by the other.
Sharing kleenex when the tears flow.
Starting a new friendship is always difficult for me.
Will we have something in common to talk about?
Or will we sit silently?
I hate silence between people.
Oh, between long time friends, or family
silence is very nice.
V and I can sit for hours at B&N and not say a word to each other.
But new friends?
I always think I am boring.
Today was nice.
It inspired me to be thankful.
I raked the whole backyard,
took Mema to Krogers for face powder, cleanser and bread.
Had a bite to eat with Hil at Hacienda between clients
and am now sitting for the evening with Chuck,
knitting on baby Teagan Rose's baby hat.
The WII mittens are done, as you can see.
The daughter of my BFF in Alabama brought her into the world the 18th.
Asia will always be my girl too!
Look at all these grandbabies I am getting!
Anyway, Thelma and Louise came from my friend's sense of humor.
She did not know where I was taking her for breakfast.
I asked if she had any plans and she replied
"Just drive Thelma!"
Ya, she and I in my bubblegum held together van!
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