I am crazy in love with Jesus!
I am transforming everyday.
Some days I move forward and closer,
some days I take giant leaps backwards.
I hope that my sight remains on Him.
I am trying.
I am different from most folks.
I am quiet and hardly ever speak first...
or last in a crowded room.
My thoughts are hardly ever deep on their own.
I am ultra conservative, but haven't always been that way.
I am VERY naive.
For as shallow as I am sometimes,
I have really good insights.
The only things I really focus on and study outside of Jesus,
are fiber arts and gardening.
Eh, I garden in the spring and early summer and fall.
When the weather gets hot, the garden takes care of itself.
I enjoy politics.
I really like Glenn Beck and Bill Oreilly.
I don't particularly like their style most of the time...
way too loud and obnoxious for me,
but I agree with their values.
Family, God, work hard, be kind, look forward and behind.
It upsets me alot that people cannot discuss viewpoints
without becoming angry, loud, mean.
I really would like to know what people believe,
study upon their views, and incorporate them into my views,
or reject them.
But in a kind, graceful way.
I don't believe that any of us have all of the information.
Insight is gained by openness.
I am happy to be alone and I love being with people.
I love to laugh!
I love movies of all kinds.
I love to read murder mysteries.
Nature and I are good friends.
I love baby animals, monkeys and beautiful sunsets.
I need to lose weight and am trying every day...
most days I do well.
My daughters are beautiful, inside and out.
I am very proud of them.
I am proud that I helped a little in their life.
Every day I am happier that that part of my job is done.
I never thought I would see that day!
I have faith that they will have extraordinary lives.
Hopefully without too many bumps in the road.
Life is short, but we must remember that tomorrow is another day!
I am very proud of my husband
and how hard he has always worked to provide for us.
Even if I didn't agree with him all the time.
I have had many hard times in my life.
Family illnesses, hard years in my marriage,
I survived the teenage years of my girls,
the harsh ending of friendships,
trying for years for a relationship with inlaws,
but finally having to accept that I must stop trying,
heartaches, back aches, foot aches,
many nights of sleepless worry, self doubt etc.
It is better to leave it all to God and expect Him to handle it.
I do what I can with His help, but the difference is
knowing He is the one in the driver's seat.
I am blessed.