A long time ago, I heard a Christian comedian do a piece on
wanting to great things for God,
but He told her to make her bed first.
This frustrated her, because she hated making her bed.
It was such a small insignificant thing.
It was not world changing.
It was not saving people for God!
But her insight eventually was,
that unless she was able to do the small things first,
the big things would not be trusted to her.
I am feeling that way today.
And then I remembered that it is through the small things
that God does His most magnificent works.
No one will ever see if my bed is made daily or not, but I know.
And God knows.
Most days I just pull the comforter up and call it a day.
After all, I am just going to crawl back in after a full day.
Who cares if the sheet is rumpled underneath.
God does.
I need to tackle everything God has laid out for me with great care.
Do everything completely.
No wrinkled bits covered over.
Because He does see.
I need to be patient because I do not know what His plans are for my life.
I can only listen for the next step when it comes.
I am doing it for Him.
Not for me.
It is through me that He is working to touch others.
I have no idea how He is using me.
I honestly don't want to know how He is using me,
because I don't want to think that it was me...
instead of Him.
I am that small.
I am small enough that He can use me.
I need to remain small, and get smaller all the time.
So that He becomes HUGE to those who need to know Him.
So, I will go remake my bed.
Pull the corners tight.
Put the pillows on straight.
Because no one will know but me and God.
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