I LOVE not being one of the beautiful people.
All the folks that are in my circle, are not beautiful people.
My church is filled with the not beautiful.
I have known some beautiful people.
The ones who only have the outside.
I feel for them.
The people I know, who are not beautiful,
are amazing on the inside.
I am finding that I don't even look at the outsides anymore.
I don't notice their outer appearance.
I am looking at their defiance of Satan's grasping,
strangling hold upon their loved ones.
I see them standing firmly for their families.
Satan's grip is loosening every moment
because of these not beautiful people.
These not beautiful people love their children
with all of their faults and struggles and challenges
and what the world sees as ugliness.
They see their worth!
Which in turn makes their children see their own worth.
I see the hearts that go out to neighbors who don't value themselves.
I see the pocket books that empty for people they do not know.
I hear stories of pain and stumbling....
but I also see these same not beautiful people
continue to move forward.
I enjoy reading their blogs,
getting to know them if only from their own words.
These funny things...blogs.
Makes me wonder if we would say the things we write.
Why are we so honest and open with our not beautiful lives.
I hope you know that I see you, even if I never say so.
Funny things....
I see them laugh at their not beauty...
which makes them the most beautiful people I know.
I am privileged to know each of you.
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