I don't know if it is the shorter days,
the rainy weather approaching,
or this nasty cold I cannot seem to shake,
but I have no motivation, energy or get up and go.
My folks are moving tomorrow.
Their bickering is keeping me away.
I am praying that all three of them
will go to their own quarters
and live happily ever after.
I don't understand the glasses people are wearing.
You know the ones.
The rose colored ones that hide all of the reality.
Why can't people see what is so clear to every one else?
Embarrassment, ego, pride?
These things will only keep you miserable for years to come.
Maybe I need to get my kickin boots out.
Keep my tongue tied up, but swing away?
I am reminded of the Mel Gibson movie Signs.
Where the brother took his bat off of the wall
and swung away at all the glasses of water.
Kinda what I feel like doing!
I have been spinning alot recently.
I have finished up some wonderful walnut dyed
tencel and mixed with silk/mohair roving.
Very pretty.
Three skeins about 500 yards.
I also spun some romney mix with turquois silk noil.
I am knitting it into a cowl for V.
I will be busy this winter
with everything I have stashed away
just for the purpose of spinning during the blahs.
What better excuse than having nothing to spin in the spring
when all the critters are sheared again!
It seems as though, since coming home from Alabama,
I have not wanted to be social at all.
I hope I get out of this mood.
Maybe it was the memories that flooded back from family times past.
There really were alot of great memories from Alabama.
My sister in law and I used to talk until the sun rose.
All the kiddos asleep hours before.
I wish I could have those moments again.
I'm afraid, with my mother in law gone,
Taryn has said goodbye to the world.
I never did understand why she hated me so.
The photo at the top is of Taryn and her son Ben.
After the funeral,
Taryn got her kids together for some pickin.
Thus all of the memories.
Let the Circle brought her to tears.
I hope she will finally be happy.
Someday maybe....
My grey hair roots are glowing through.
Coloring them tonight.
I missed Christmas service so much.
I did finally see lights with Hilary.
She is so much fun!
And Ritters ice cream in the car in negative temps was awesome.
I did get a new phone.
Smart, so they say, but I feel very stupid.
Hil taught me to text with swype.
It is sooooo cool!
For any of you that received texts from me before smart,
I must apologize.
This is a new year!
Come on 2011!~
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