Why is it that folks fall for the lies of others?
When they know better.
They know the history.
Yes, people can change,
but what if they don't?
At least not yet.
And how can someone hold onto a grudge
over something that never even happened?
For decades!!
So this snowy day, I am waiting.
Waiting for an update since Terry is in Reform.
Funny how he forgets I'm on pins and needles when he is there.
My mind goes to conspiracy,
but the truth is,
the phone signals are horrible,
and he is checking out the situation.
SO I will wait.
I snow blew yesterday and scraped the roof.
It needed it again later in the afternoon,
but I waited until this morning.
The birds were fed their peanuts and seed first thing.
A path was shoveled for Charlie,
and I was quite bundled up.
As I was pulling snow off of the roof,
in great muffled thuddy splats,
Daddy used the snow blower.
I love that 72 year old man!
He just goes and goes and goes.
He did the neighbors' drives and walk too.
All he wanted for reward, was a brownie.
I threw them away last night.
I started a new diet.
Poor Daddy.
All the Cards are made and ready to be signed and delivered.
I may only mail a few because I tried something
a bit different this year.
Hopefully, if yours is mailed, it doesn't leak!
Didn't even think about the post office's reaction.
May need to be creative.
So, I will card and maybe dye some wool in bright hues.
I received 3 pounds of white Icelandic wool
and it is calling for color!
This seems like a nice day for carding!
Tomorrow I will spin and card some more!
See, I feel better already!
Thanks for putting up with a little self absorption today.
I may actually try to tackle I tunes again.
Wish I knew music!
I am blessed
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