I must admit that I am quite the planner.
When something needs to be done,
I get down to it.
I don't like to take breaks, or chat, or fool around.
When it is done, then I have fun.
So when the news was that Terry's mom was dying,
and Terry wanted me to come with him via the truck,
I went into mode.
I shopped for appropriate pants and shoes....
a feat I really hate to do!
Big butt and tummy and funky feet do not make shopping easy!
I enlisted the girls to help with the dog, and Mema's packing,
I reassigned my duties at church to V,
Delivered meals ahead of time, as well as hats and mittens.
Was going to miss out on the holiday festivities at church,
but did what I could do...
sure wish I could have made more hats than 5 tho!
I did laundry and packed for winter weather and Alabama weather
and even Texas weather.
It was like a ballet!
I only had to get knitting together and Xmas card lists.
Now I am also a big believer in God's plans.
And to accomplish His plans
He will pull some really wacky stuff outta the bag.
So, Terry was in St Cloud MN waiting on a trailer.
Imagine...a huge company not having a single trailer available!
At 5pm, Terry got his trailer out of the shop.
Not an ordinary trailer mind you.
This was a perfectly fine trailer,
just in the shop for a regular check up.
Now, if the trailer had been available at 9 in the morning,
when Terry was ready for it,
he would have driven the 150 miles north to pick up his load,
swung by to get me and I would be on my way south.
Instead he had to leave out in the beginning of a horrible snowstorm.
A snowstorm, by the way that blocks him from coming to get me.
He has sunny, but cold skies all the way down to Houston.
God has His hand in this mess.
When I heard that the first thing my sister in law asked my husband was...
Why is Kris coming?
I knew that the trip could possible get ugly.
I was loaded for bear tho... Jesus in front of me in full armor.
However, God may have something else in store for me.
Maybe I'm not as strong as I think I am.
I know that Terry is stronger than me and can handle his family.
I just pray he doesn't have to.
If I am not there, maybe things won't get ugly.
They won't have a chance to fling things.
The plan now is that when Mom passes, Hilary and I,
and possibly V will drive down for the funeral and drive home.
If God has something else planned, I am all packed.
I got all my frustrations out in my sleep last night
and have accepted God's will and timing.
Just know that I am ready to jump when He says jump.
This Christmas monster is not going to get me!
I am going to help out at church as much as I can
and enjoy every moment of it!
I am blessed.
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